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Can Cohabitating Change Your Alimony in Nevada?

On Behalf of | Jun 29, 2013 | Our Blog

Can Cohabitating Change Your Alimony in Nevada?

The short answer is . . . maybe. Where alimony is modifiable, NRS 125.150(7) requires the court to consider any relevant factors when the payor spouse requests to have the alimony obligation modified. In Gilman v. Gilman, the Nevada Supreme Court adopted an “economic needs” test to determine if cohabitation should effect the payee spouse’s right to receive alimony. According to the Court, “Under this ‘economic needs’ test, the amount of spouse support reduction, if any depends upon a factual examination of the financial effects of the cohabitation on the recipient spouse.” There are ways, however, to draft a Decree of Divorce to protect you from changes in your former spouse’s life, whether you are the payor or payee. The Nevada family law attorneys at Pecos Law Group can make sure your Decree of Divorce protects you in the future.

