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Five Things To Do Before You File For Divorce in Las Vegas

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2015 | Our Blog

1. Stop using social media. When considering a divorce, stop using social media and carefully review any social media postings involving you or your children. You will be best served by deactivating any social media accounts until after your divorce is final.

2. Obtain a credit report. You want to make sure you are aware of any outstanding debts or credit issues that you or your spouse may have. You may also consider cancelling any joint credit.

3. Start compiling important financial documents. Copy any tax returns (with schedules), pay stubs, bank statements, retirement statements and credit card statements. Although all of these documents may be obtained after divorce, it is preferable to have them before filing your divorce.

4. Start a cash reserve. You do not know what will happen after you file for divorce or how long it may take you to get into court once you file. If possible, have a reserve sufficient to cover two months of expenses, just in case.

5. Always use good judgment. If you are separated you may certainly date and socialize, but you will be better served by waiting. Keep a low profile, spend time with family and friends and do not disparage your spouse.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us at Pecoslawgroup.com or 702-843-5142

