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When It Comes to Family Court, Does The Sex Of Your Attorney Matter?

On Behalf of | Feb 11, 2015 | Our Blog

Often, we are asked by potential clients if their judge is going to respond better to a male or a female

attorney. With our years of practicing in family court in Las Vegas, we can report that it does not matter

to the judge if your attorney is a male or a female. What judges respond to well are attorneys who are

respectful to the court as well as the opposing counsel and litigant, knowledgeable about the case and

the law at issue and prepared to address the issues before the court on that day. In court,

professionalism and good lawyering are what matters most.

Likewise, we are also asked if judges prefer women to men or vice versa. In fact, there are rumors often

advanced by disgruntled litigants that certain judges do not like one sex or the other. For instance, we

have heard repeatedly that men do not get a fair shake when it comes to custody issues in family court.

Yet, our experience is that men do get equal treatment in custody cases with the judges considering the

circumstances of the case to determine the best interests of the child rather than the parties’ genders.

Much like judges expecting and appreciating attorneys to act professionally in court, however, judges

expect litigants to act appropriately in court. If you are concerned that you are not getting a fair shake

in family court, please call the attorneys at Pecos Law Group.

