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Mandatory Mediation in Clark County, Nevada

On Behalf of | Jun 30, 2015 | Our Blog

Mediation is a process by which a professionally trained person helps to guide parents to reach an agreement regarding the physical custody of their children.  Mediation seeks an agreement that focuses on each parent’s rights and responsibilities regarding the children, and more important, on the children’s needs.  It is important to approach mediation with an open mind and focus on the best future needs of your children.

Under the Clark County Family Court Rules, mediation is mandatory in virtually every case.  The mediation process is private and all communications are confidential and may not be disclosed to the court, absent issues of domestic violence or child abuse.  The mediator cannot be called as a witness and the mediator does not have any authority to make any decisions.

Mediation should be utilized to make an arrangement that you believe is in your children’s best interest.  An agreement, versus a contested custody battle,  will save you time, money and most important, will serve the best interests of your client.


