Experience Matters: Over 160 Combined Years Of Legal Insight


On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2020 | Attorney Blogs, Client Blogs, Las Vegas Family Law, Our Blog

We have complied with Governor Sisolak’s health directive of March 17 and recently closed our physical office space to the public. Most importantly, however, please be assured that we are continuing to work on all legal matters that you have entrusted us with, and your legal interests will remain fully protected going forward. The Governor’s directive permits businesses engaged in legal services to continue to operate under a set of defined conditions. We are also enthusiastically accepting new business. Here are the specific steps we have taken:
• We will have significantly reduced staff on our physical premises during our normal 9-to-5 business hours, and our phone system is fully operative, as usual, for contact purposes. We remain “business as usual,” albeit with a much reduced on-site physical presence.

• Our attorneys and our support staff have had a long-standing ability to work remotely from outside our office by electronic means. Our attorneys and staff will have the discretion to work in-office, or from their home. The firm continues to perform its legal work and functions in an uninterrupted manner, and all client matters are being monitored and attended to, as if no change in our usual operations had occurred.

• It is our intention to provide client access to our office only as needed, and when we do, only one client will be permitted in the office at any one time, and in strict accordance with CDC and state-recommended guidelines and safety measures. This is as much for your protection as it is for our staff’s protection.

• We continue to accept new clients, and we will gladly conduct initial consultations on new legal matters on an appointment basis. New initial consultations with prospective clients may be conducted telephonically during the 30-day period instituted by the Governor’s directive. As always, initial consultation appointments may be scheduled by calling our main office line:702-843-5142.

• Pecos Law Group is well aware of, and acutely sensitive to, its professional and ethical responsibilities to its clients during this difficult time. It is important that our clients be comfortable and assured that this is the case, and we invite you to contact the attorney responsible for your legal matter to discuss any follow-up questions or concerns. We are always available to discuss your case status.

